Position your team to win


Kruk & Associates aims to capture the contract by positioning the prospect to prefer our client’s team, solution and proposal over the competition.   We take advantage of the pre-advertised period to plan and strategize for the win.

Kruk & Associates offers proven experience with the entire lifecycle of the capture process to improve win rates through effective planning.  Kruk & Associates' involvement in the process is scaled and tailored to meet the needs of each opportunity and client.  Kruk & Associates' services include:

> Capture Plan development
> Intelligence gathering
> Win strategy development
> Teaming
> Proposal development
> Short List activity support

Our Capture Plans are designed to be specific, action orientated, and develop capture strategies.  Kruk & Associates incorporates a communication map into the Capture Plan to organize and transmit data during the process.

Client and opportunity intelligence data gathered during the pursuit is applied to the development of the win strategy.  During this process, Kruk & Associates will conduct a contract compliance evaluation, client analysis, competitor assessment, and GAP analysis.   Through this process, we identify potential weaknesses or deficiencies between the win requirements and the team’s management and technical approach, key personnel qualifications, and past performance.  Kruk & Associates will then provide solutions to eliminate these deficiencies and produce a compliance plus proposal.

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