High performance ratings help maintain continuity of your Federal program

Contract Start-up Support

Kruk & Associates helps companies launch a Federal program by providing contract kick-off support that is focused on complying with a Federal contract’s complex submittal and schedule requirements, which is an important element of the Federal contractor performance review.

In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations, performance on Federal contracts is evaluated, documented, and reviewed as part of the selection criteria for new contracts. Past performance information is accessed by contracting officers through a web-enabled application (ACASS, CCASS, CPARS, FAPIIS) that collects and manages the library of automated report cards. Generally, past performance reviews include:

> Record of conforming to contract requirements and standards of good workmanship
> Record of forecasting and controlling costs
> Adherence to contract schedules
> History of reasonable and cooperative behavior and commitment to customer satisfaction

Kruk & Associates' kick-off support focuses on the performance evaluation elements that are immediately monitored after award. The goal is to assist company’s achieve and maintain a high rating while they build the infrastructure to support continued growth.

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